Lewisboro Garden Club
The Lewisboro Garden Club was formed in 1972 by town residents, Katherine Baker, Karen Armistead, Goldie Robitaille, and Barbara Moore. They were helped by Alice Poor, who later bequeathed her property, Onatru Farm, to the Town of Lewisboro. According to Mrs. Baker, the initial motivation to form the club was the desire to transform the then weed-filled triangles in Lewisboro into attractive flower-filled oases like those being maintained in surrounding towns. As another longtime member, Barbara Moore, once stated: “Triangle upkeep is a way of telling those who pass through Lewisboro that people care. A well-kept triangle not only looks nicer, but also sends a message of community involvement.” The first triangle was located at the intersection of Route 123 and Elmwood Road. Over the years, the number of triangles the club maintains has grown to twenty five, spread throughout the hamlets of Lewisboro.
Another early effort by the club was the renovation and maintenance of the “Alice Poor Garden” at Onatru Farm. This garden was originally planted by the founding member, Alice Poor, when she lived at Onatru. After some years of neglect following her gift of the property to the town, club members offered to assume responsibility for the garden, which has since flourished. Over the years, modifications to the garden have been made, including the addition of the benches and an arbor.
Today members continue to contribute their efforts toward this lovely perennial garden, which is visible from Elmwood Road and is open to the public. The club also oversees the Community Gardens section of Onatru Farm, an enclosed parcel of 60 garden plots available for use by town residents for vegetable and flower growing.
In keeping with its dedication to town beautification, club members also assemble and display evergreen swags throughout town to mark the winter holiday season.

Cyrus Russell Community House
The Community House was built in 1868 and served as a schoolhouse until 1941, when Lewisboro Elementary School opened on Bouton Road. The building is named for Cyrus Russell, who was born in Cross River on January 14, 1897, in a house built by his great-grandfather Gideon Reynolds. Cyrus Russell was educated in the Cross River schoolhouse, and after service in World War I, became Treasurer of the school district. He was elected Councilman in 1934 and went on to also serve the town as Building Inspector, Town Clerk, and Supervisor. When he retired in 1969, the Town Board voted to name the former schoolhouse in his honor.
Onatru (On-a-True) Farm
Onatru Farmhouse and the 147 acres surrounding it was a generous gift from Alice Lane Poor to the people of the Town of Lewisboro. The original farmhouse was enlarged by Mrs. Poor’s father after he purchased the farm in 1904. Mr. Lane ran Onatru as a working farm, growing crops and maintaining dairy cattle, chicken, pigs, goats, etc. Throughout the years, Mrs. Poor and her family held a great love for the Town of Lewisboro. Mrs. Poor is remembered by many for her involvement in church, civic, and Town of Lewisboro organizations.